






Friday, September 28, 2007




我摒着呼吸,看着下载的速度。一开始的速度,便从500KBps直跳而上……速度就好像牛市般直冲而上,500,700,900,终于破了1000,也就是1Mbps!这还不打紧,冲破了1000后,速度还一直上到3m,过后就跌回了1mbps,然后都保持在那个速度进行下载。我毕生都没有经历过那个速度!试想想,1.27GB的游戏Demo,在短短的20分钟里完成了!为了纪念那一刻,还好我手脚够快,捕捉到了在1Mbps那历史性的画面(截图在下面)!哈哈!过后,因为这一次不是走PPPoE,模式换成了Bridge Mode,所以我就花了整个下午在“内网”(LAN)的设定。超级麻烦!但不弄不行,因为弄不好的话,其他的人就上不到网了……最后几经辛苦终于成功弄好了,也学了一个新的东西!呵呵!(注:这里要特别申明一下下,请各位读者不要以为我在这里炫耀晒命哦!这里主要是和大家分享这一份喜悦!毕竟我是和8个人(包括我)共用同一条的线,所以分配到来也只是差不多而已……)


另外一件事就是部落格的界面了。完成了上网的事宜后,我便坐在电脑前面弄这个部落格。经过了一整天的努力(其实主要的组图昨晚便完成了),新的界面终于都出炉了……这一次我选择了思念、暗恋的概念,然后结合了音乐以及《不能说的·秘密》里超喜欢的《Secret》琴谱而制作。另外,我对琴谱里的最后一句话特别喜欢,那就是“Return Lies Within Hasty Keys”。有鉴于此,我便融入这句话作为附加词。这就是设计的大概概念~:-)


Day Without You Online, Day 105, Sunny:

I have wasted a whole without doing any homeworks... I think its time to end my life! I wasted time a lot!

Hmm... Actually~ I was busy with other stuffs~ Hehe! Today biggest earning is 4Mbit Streamyx activated finally! Flying in the world of high-speed is really exciting! After the TMnet technician finish setting up the modem (unusual setup applied~), I couldn't wait to test the speed. I tried to download game's demo from official website (as official's server are always in good condition and stable) . After I copied the download link and pasted it in "Xunlei", download began.

I hold my breath and looked at the speed. The speed started at 500KBps and keep it just like the bull market and keep running up, 500, 700, 900, and broke 1000 finally, which is 1MBps! Although it broke 1000, but the speed didn't stop down but keep increase until 3MBps, then it fell back to 1MBps and continued at this speed all the way. I never had that speed before! And the result, a 1.27GB demo, I finished it within 20 minutes! To keep that memorable moment, I snapped down the screenshot (Diagram below)! Haha! After that, because this time wasn't usig PPPoE mode, thus I spent half of my afternoon to setup the LAN connection. Really a sophisticated work! But I must did it, otherwise others can't even connect to internet... After referring to tutorial etc and successfully set, and once again, I learned something! Hehe! (P/S: Want to have some words here. Hopefully you guys not thinking that I am showing off here! I just intend to share my happiness with you guys! Another reason is, I'm sharing line with 8 persons (included me), so after divided and no longer the same as RM88...)


Another thing is this blog's template had been applied with a new one. After the LAN finish set up, I was just sitting in front of the pc and edit the blog. After the whole afternoon (main picture finished last night), new interface had complete... This time I used missing, and together combined with music and the "Secret" piano score in the movie "Secret". Besides that, I too added the last sentence in the "Secret" piano score, which is "Return Lies Withing Hasty Keys" as I am favorable with the sentence. So this is the concept of the design~ :-)

Lastly, after thousand times of consideration, I decided to use back the title "Day Without You Online". This title is important to me, although I'm not waiting for her anymore. This is the title which I started the blog, and not maybe doesn't have any practical meaning, but it (the title) is the soul of the blog anyway. Thus, I will keep this title and even translation will continue... Maybe, one day I will change it... !

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