Day Without You Online, Day 107, Sunny:
Today was still facing those naked men the whole day... No doubt, assignments... Hehe!
Nothing to be written tonight. Thus, allow me to have a break for a day! See you guys tomorrow!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted by
10:47 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
DG有一个科目叫做Life Drawing。在这个课目里我们会学到人物的解剖学,深入研究人类的身体架构和肌肉。就上个星期老师丢了一对裸男(艺术性质)的图画给我们,要我们将那些男人去皮,将肌肉组织一条条画出来。就这样,我一直画,从早上画到下午(赶功课嘛……),面对着那些男人,真的会变得怪怪地……=="
Day Without You Online, Day 106, Sunny:
Today I have a funny name for my MSN display name, and caused the whole misunderstood me~ Hehe!
My MSN name was "Facing a lot of naked man will cause me become a Gay" (direct translation from Chinese name)... Just a moment I put that name, and all the MSN users in my list messaged me and asked me whether I watch gay-porn or not. Some even thought that I'm a gay~~ SWT~ Just allow me to explain with you guys here!
DG class has a class called Life Drawing. In this class, we will learn the anatomy of human, and have a deep learning on humans body and structure. Last week lecturer had given us some naked men (artistic type photo), and wanted us to take off those men's skin and draw out the muscles below the skin. And thus, I drew from morning till afternoon non-stop (homework rushing...), and facing the naked men the day, and it really caused me unusual... =="
Hmm... Another thing to share with you guys here. I watched a banned-movie. It is a top banned-movie in the world, and the status just never changed since 1975, which is the year of premiere. It was a 70-an film, so the screen quality cannot compare with present one, but the content of the movie will stunt you at that minute. The movie is just disgusting, nausea, and dirty. I will paste up the comment of movie critics, and to those who has the chance to watch this movie, please, think before you act! :-)
这大概是有史以来最具有争议,最令人触目惊心的一部电影。改编自法国著名作家m•萨特(marquis desade)1970年的同名小说。故事讲述二次大战即将结束时意大利北部的一个小城,四个中年人劫持了18名少男少女,把他们关押在一栋别墅里,对他 们肆意侮辱,虐待,折磨,杀害的过程。其中还穿插四个*女不停地对这些孩子讲着下流的故事。电影的写实手法使许多镜头令人难以容忍。
这部电影由意大利著名导演,被称为“三尼”之一的帕索里尼(pierpasolini)执导(另外“两尼”是费里尼和安东尼奥尼)。这也是帕索里尼拍 摄的最后一部电影。他在这部电影公开上映之前不久,被人在罗马凶残地杀死。据说凶手杀人的原因就是因为这部电影!如果该电影不是帕索里尼所拍,一定会被当 成垃圾。但是帕索里尼这样的大导演为什么要拍这个电影,他到底想告诉观众什么?对此问题的争论近30年来一直没有停止过,遗憾的是,帕索里尼本人无法亲自 出来回答了。
正是由於这部电影的争议性,一开始就被许多国家禁演。允许该片上映的国家也做了很多删节。到目前为止,只有criterion collection曾经公开发行过未删节的全本。因此可以说是洛阳纸贵,网上未开封的原碟已经炒到1000美元以上。
Pier Paolo Pasolini, as is well known, was murdered not long after he finished work on this, his most audacious and confrontational film, yet even the most casual viewing of SALO begs the question - had he not been murdered, would he have taken his own life anyway? Every sequence, every shot and practically every moment of this film is so burdened with despair, barely concealed rage and a towering disgust with the human race, one gets the impression that Pasolini was barely hanging onto life - and any attendant shreds of hope - by his fingernails. Although ostensibly an adaptation of one of DeSade's most depraved works channeled through the horrifying excesses of the Second World War with the Fascist ruling classes as its (authentically vile) villains, SALO also contains a lot of contemporary criticism - Pasolini hated the modern world, and explained the stomach-churning 'banquet of s**t' as a none-too-subtle attack on the encroaching global domination of the fast food chains. (The scenes of sexual excess can similarly be read as a despairing attack on the permissive society - those who come to SALO expecting titillation or B-movie sleaze will be sorely disappointed.) Beyond the nihilistic content, which has been well documented elsewhere, the film has an overall mood that seems to have been engineered to make the viewer thoroughly depressed. Shot on washed-out, faded film stock using primarily static cameras, long shots, choppy editing and very few cutaways, SALO has a visual style reminiscent of cinema-verite documentary. Add to this the unnerving use of big band music, piano dirges and the (intentionally?) scrappy post-dubbed dialogue, and the distancing effect on the viewer is complete. SALO comes across as one long primal scream of rage, designed to shake the viewer out of his complacency, and in this respect, the film succeeds unequivocally. Whether or not you would care to watch this more than once, or indeed for 'entertainment', is another matter, but SALO is an important film that demands a careful viewing ONLY by those prepared for it.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
我摒着呼吸,看着下载的速度。一开始的速度,便从500KBps直跳而上……速度就好像牛市般直冲而上,500,700,900,终于破了1000,也就是1Mbps!这还不打紧,冲破了1000后,速度还一直上到3m,过后就跌回了1mbps,然后都保持在那个速度进行下载。我毕生都没有经历过那个速度!试想想,1.27GB的游戏Demo,在短短的20分钟里完成了!为了纪念那一刻,还好我手脚够快,捕捉到了在1Mbps那历史性的画面(截图在下面)!哈哈!过后,因为这一次不是走PPPoE,模式换成了Bridge Mode,所以我就花了整个下午在“内网”(LAN)的设定。超级麻烦!但不弄不行,因为弄不好的话,其他的人就上不到网了……最后几经辛苦终于成功弄好了,也学了一个新的东西!呵呵!(注:这里要特别申明一下下,请各位读者不要以为我在这里炫耀晒命哦!这里主要是和大家分享这一份喜悦!毕竟我是和8个人(包括我)共用同一条的线,所以分配到来也只是差不多而已……)
另外一件事就是部落格的界面了。完成了上网的事宜后,我便坐在电脑前面弄这个部落格。经过了一整天的努力(其实主要的组图昨晚便完成了),新的界面终于都出炉了……这一次我选择了思念、暗恋的概念,然后结合了音乐以及《不能说的·秘密》里超喜欢的《Secret》琴谱而制作。另外,我对琴谱里的最后一句话特别喜欢,那就是“Return Lies Within Hasty Keys”。有鉴于此,我便融入这句话作为附加词。这就是设计的大概概念~:-)
Day Without You Online, Day 105, Sunny:
I have wasted a whole without doing any homeworks... I think its time to end my life! I wasted time a lot!
Hmm... Actually~ I was busy with other stuffs~ Hehe! Today biggest earning is 4Mbit Streamyx activated finally! Flying in the world of high-speed is really exciting! After the TMnet technician finish setting up the modem (unusual setup applied~), I couldn't wait to test the speed. I tried to download game's demo from official website (as official's server are always in good condition and stable) . After I copied the download link and pasted it in "Xunlei", download began.
I hold my breath and looked at the speed. The speed started at 500KBps and keep it just like the bull market and keep running up, 500, 700, 900, and broke 1000 finally, which is 1MBps! Although it broke 1000, but the speed didn't stop down but keep increase until 3MBps, then it fell back to 1MBps and continued at this speed all the way. I never had that speed before! And the result, a 1.27GB demo, I finished it within 20 minutes! To keep that memorable moment, I snapped down the screenshot (Diagram below)! Haha! After that, because this time wasn't usig PPPoE mode, thus I spent half of my afternoon to setup the LAN connection. Really a sophisticated work! But I must did it, otherwise others can't even connect to internet... After referring to tutorial etc and successfully set, and once again, I learned something! Hehe! (P/S: Want to have some words here. Hopefully you guys not thinking that I am showing off here! I just intend to share my happiness with you guys! Another reason is, I'm sharing line with 8 persons (included me), so after divided and no longer the same as RM88...)
Another thing is this blog's template had been applied with a new one. After the LAN finish set up, I was just sitting in front of the pc and edit the blog. After the whole afternoon (main picture finished last night), new interface had complete... This time I used missing, and together combined with music and the "Secret" piano score in the movie "Secret". Besides that, I too added the last sentence in the "Secret" piano score, which is "Return Lies Withing Hasty Keys" as I am favorable with the sentence. So this is the concept of the design~ :-)
Lastly, after thousand times of consideration, I decided to use back the title "Day Without You Online". This title is important to me, although I'm not waiting for her anymore. This is the title which I started the blog, and not maybe doesn't have any practical meaning, but it (the title) is the soul of the blog anyway. Thus, I will keep this title and even translation will continue... Maybe, one day I will change it... !
Posted by
11:59 PM
Day Without You Online, Day 104, Sunny:
I used to read the news about robbery and snatching on newspaper:
I used to heard the stories of robbery and snatching from others:
but once it happened on your either friends or family members and you'll feel very bad...
Today, one of my friends and my sibling met with the robbery in a same single day...
Twelve o'clock is our class down time, and we knew one of our female friend's handphone was snatched by an Indian! We all shock, and that's the only emote that we can show~ Under a friend request, we went to the so-called police station (police stand would be more suitable~). Who knows when we reached there, we were been chased out... Hmm~ Its still a police station and shouldn't be crowded...
At night, GHao and I went to mamak to have our dinner. I thought of that I need to make phone call for my parents. During our conversation, mom suddenly me that elder sister got snatched the beg in a photostate shop!!! I was shocked also! WTF! How come a beg that carried by a lady can got robbed IN A SHOP!!! Luckily, sister's handphone put inside her pocket. Lost the wallet and other document will cause a person very inconvenient on doing something!
Posted by
12:36 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
今天因为Class cancel,所以整个人都坐在电脑前发霉……就快腐烂了……
月哦~哈哈!这部电影很有意思,主要描述在全球经济萧条之下, 有一个国家的人民大失业。国家陷入失败,大人们开始对自己失去了信心。就连学生也不上课了,而且还爬在老师的头上。青少年不尊重大人,也不当他们的存在……在无计可施下,政府制定了一个法律,那就是“BR”。在这条例下,完成中学的中学生,都必须在筛选之后被送到一个孤独上“玩游戏”。这个游戏很简单,就是要对身边的朋友互相残杀,直到最后的胜利者,便可以离开孤岛回到国家……
Day Without You Online, Day 103, Rainy:
Today's class canceled, thus I faced the pc the whole day and going to be rotten soon...
Last night download a movie called "Battle Royale"~ This is a Japanese film, and the main screen play is by "Death Note's Light Yagami~ Haha! This is a meaningful movie. It describes the story of a country which faces the economic crisis and majority of the citizens are unemployed. Adults gradually lost their confidence. Even the students are not going to school anymore and started to conflict with their parents. Under a last resort, the government has enforced a new law, which named it as "BR Law:. Under this ordinance, those students who have graduated from their secondary school will be chosen to "play" a game. This is an easy game, which you just need to kill all the friends around you and left until you are the last survivor, you win the game and allowed to go back to home...
It is an interesting movie, but after watching it, you will find the truth of a mankind. When everybody still having fun in the bus, who knows the one who was kidding with will turn into a murder... Even the best friend you have will hurt you too, just to survive! Is it the real face of human? Chinese literature of "San Zi Primer" have the first sentence like the following, "Origin of a person, there is a kindness and goodness". But if one killed the another just to survive is their true face, then does kindness still exist? Law of the jungle, is the only rule to survive. Only the prey will be the winner. And how about the human...?
No wonder people will say, HUMAN HAS NO DIFFERENT COMPARE TO ANIMAL...
Posted by
11:59 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
今天是中秋节。以往的中秋节,在我家都会弄个夜光会。连续几年的庆祝,我们一大班朋友都 是在我的家吃火锅,然后就会到附近的草场去提灯笼、烧腊烛。那个时候的感觉很爽,因为当整个草场都黑漆漆一片,然后我们就点了不少的灯笼挂在树叶上。草场 的中央有游乐设施,所以我们都会将蜡烛一根一根点在那些设施上……呵呵!只要风婆婆赏面,不挂起任何的大风,整个地方看起来亮亮地,好不漂亮的哦!不过 呢,这些都只能回味了(下面有去年的照片分享)……现在的我,可一个人坐在电脑前面打这个部落格了……朋友都出去了,唉……今年的中秋节真的无法感觉到任 何的气氛。在家的时候,妈妈都会买些月饼回来。犹记得去年的时候,月饼不止是面粉制的“饼”状哦,还有冰皮和燕菜的。很可爱的!也很得意!哈哈!不过呢,到了今年, 因为月饼实在是太贵了,所以我也不敢买来应节……感觉很无奈……
嗯……今天下午和一位朋友聊天。聊啊聊的,我不小心说错话让对方很在 意……这时我才发现到,原来我一直都没有改掉一个坏习惯,那就是“自以为是”的个性……在中学的时候,我自以为是的个性一眼就看得出来。表面上自己觉得是 对自己的自信心,在别人眼中,原来我给人的感觉是很骄傲的!有的时候当我说话的时候,朋友都会觉得我的话都有刺,而且很看不起人的感觉……就这样,当我发 现到这个超级不好的坏习惯的时候,我决定改掉它。
嗯…… 我想在这里对下午的那位朋友说,我真的没有那个意思的。在对话的时候,我也只是要和你开开玩笑而已……或许我的文字以及语气真的很“自以为是”吧!无论如 何,不管你现在是否还放在心上,除了对不起之外,我在这里还要和你说声谢谢!谢谢你老实地告诉我我给你的感觉,也间接地让我发现到自己的缺陷……原来我还 是没有改掉那个坏习惯……
Day Without You Online, Day 102, Sunny:
Today has a lot of things to write... Its my feeling and palpitation...
Today is Mooncake Festival. In the past few years, my house would hold a small moonlight party ( I think this is the translation~ Haha!). We all would have steamboat in my house, then went to the garden in front of my house to walk around with holding the lanterns and played with candles. We was very excited that time, as when the whole garden was in dark, we would hang up the lanterns around. There is a playground at the middle of the garden, thus we would light up the candles and placed it around the amusement facilities... Hehe! Once the wind didn't blown up, then the whole place will sparked with all the lanterns and candles and would be a very beautiful picture! Anyway, all of there are memories (photos shared below)... And currently myself is facing the computer along and write this blog... All the friends were out, haiz... I couldn't feel any atmosphere of Mooncake Festival. When I was in my hometown, mom surely bought some mooncake. I still remember last year mooncake were not only in the form of powder or flour-made, but it also available in “ice skin" and "jelly" (couldn't find any suitable translation). They were cute and interesting! Haha! Anyway, mooncake is very expensice, and I can't even buy for myself to eat...
Today I chatted with a friend. We had a nice chat in the beginning, however, I said something wrong and caused the opposite site was very bear in mind in... At that moment I only realized that I never improve my bad behavior, which is "think oneself infallible"... During my secondary school, my opinionated characteristic was so obvious to be seen. It was my self-confidence, however, it turned into proud in other people's eyes! Sometimes when I talk, my friends will think that the words are so sinus irony, and felt like looked down on a person... Therefore, I started to change this bad habit...
I turned into a low-profile person initially, and less talk (that time will be shot by others as a return~). I slowly trashed out the emotional characteristic, and changed to be not a self-centered person anymore (I was ego). Gradually, I could see the changes in myself, and the way I talked too... I thought I discard the "opinionated" behavior too, who knows...
Hmm... I would like to say something to the friend that we chatted in the afternoon, I really didn't mean that. During the conversation, my intention was only to have a kidding with you... Well, maybe my words and the way I expressed was really "self-centered"! Anyway, no matter you still kept it in your mind, besides my apology, I would like to say thank you too! Thank you for telling me my caused feeling to you honestly, and you have let me discovered my own flaw... I realized that I never changed that bad behavior...
Today's blog was fulled with my complains... Haiz...
Last year Moonlight Party:

The boyz~ Guys, still remember why we shortened our hair in such lenght? XD

Hehe! How shy are them last year...!

The group photo ( many were absent that time)...

Two Leng Lui! Haha! See the candles inside the red circle~ Haha!
Posted by
8:35 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 101, Sunny:
Because of haven't think of any suitable title, therefore, I used back the same title, which is "Day Without You Online"... Even I want to change, I can't do it straight away as the whole blog's layout need to be changed~ Hehe!
After today is Mooncake Festival (always think that the English translation name not suitable enough). Anyway, this year festival will be very "special" to me and know more by reading tomorrow's night blog!) Hehe!
Hmm... These days got people come and disrupt the blog (3 comments left so far). I think the person would be purposely did that, anyway, I will not delete their comments, as these are the traces that they have visited my blog (although the letters were rude...) Well, I can endure the behavior, it doesn't means that I'm a great person (I am cunning anyway...)), but wish to have a warm and nice environment for the blog... If I would take any revenge as the solution, I scare my blog will be bombard one day!
That's all! The first three digit day after day 100, day 101. Initially I wanted to use the "Taipei 101 Tower" as the title, but feel neither fish nor fowl... Haha!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Era of Three Digits: Day 100, Sunny:
The waiting of the world (allow me to hyperbola it~Hehe!), and every single person in the world is waiting for it, this blog finally reached 100th day (Just the day but not the post, in fact I started it on day 7th~ Hehe! Aiyo, Malaya also turned into Malaysia after the 31st independence day...)!!!
Firstly, the blog can reached today successfulness, I want to thank my parents, uncles, aunts, my ancestors, the root family of Xie, and also to the congress... Besides that, I also want to thank all the friends, buddies, etc (don't know how to translate the rest~) for supporting my blog all the time! Without you all, then I will not stand up right here and give my talk...
OK! Now wake up! Hehe! Actually I got nothing to say, those needed has finished on the first part (my sincere words)... Well, to those who always follow my post, they know that I posted before a story about a boy. And the boy was me, but this ain't the important one, the important thing is I had told the world that the boy had his blog for three. Hehe! If everyone of you has clicked the link, the you will know that those so-called "blog" never reached 15 posts... Therefore, today is very important to me! I never paid my effort on writing blog... Hehe! Just give me a clap lah~(It is rare that I can did it~)!
Rubbish finished, and now is the serious one. To mark the hundred days of the blog, the congress decided to have a lucky-draw! Haha! To those who leaves comment on the first ten comments, they will gain a free "Meng Tin Restaurant" exclusive "Chinese Tea"! Don't look down to the "Chinese Tea", it has the effort of the restaurant workers and also the soup essence that left down when the cup was being washed! Only 10 cups! Early birds get their worms, or you will miss it! Hehe!
And now, I want to voice out something should be voiced out...=.="
Firstly, I want to say something to the heroine of the blog. Hmm... Although you not in the scene (still have no idea whether you ever read the blog or not), however, the mass media today is extremely developed, and I believe that you will watch the TV broadcast! (Sorry for crapping again~) Well, the feeling to you still exist, but I just like disillusioned with the mortal world, and not giving any hope anymore (scolded by friends). Although I keep make up my mind to give up, but every time when I see you (past three days...), angel and demon will fly around my ear... This is truth! No people really can treat their in peace (to me, at least I am the one who can't)... Anyway, wish you to have a better day and everything passed smoothly! How is the day in Major? Hehe! Gambateh!
Next is about the blog. I need the view of you guys, whether I should change the blog's name or not... Well, my personal view is not to change it, however, if I'm not waiting anymore, will it be a good idea? Hopefully I can have the comments from you all!
That's all! Once again congrats myself that the blog reached 100 day! No matter you guys vomit or not after reading the blog, I still want to say thank you here! Well, not all come and read everyday, but even once in a week, I would say thank you too! :-)
One more thing, the visitors numbers break 2000! Hehe!
Posted by
8:49 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Hundred's Eve, Day 99, Sunny:
Hehe! Today's title let it be special a bit, as after today, then the day reached 100! Hehe!
Anyway~ Nothing much to be written for today... SWT~Passed the day without doing anything (nothing for us to do actually)... When DG was recognized by the world that it is the busiest subject, at least I can't feel it now... Well, maybe this is the moment which known as the "transition period"! After this term, I think that time we can feel the hardship though! Haha!
In fact~ Be busy is better than none, otherwise my parents' "investment" will be no longer to get even back the modal! Hehe!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
“原来人类在死亡的那一刹那会看到白光的……”这是在看了White Noise: The Light过后得到的结论……呵呵!
其实这个部落格是在22号的凌晨2.30a.m.写的,因为刚从蕉赖回来。今天朋友提议到蕉赖的一间西餐店吃完餐。那间餐厅就是出名的Kaki Corner(原本也忘了是什么名~只知道有一个很大的脚印当商标~)。原本以为会不够吃的我,还好在理智的控制下,只叫了一盘的芝士鸡扒。他们很厉害,放了好多好多的薯条,结果我都撑饱了~呵呵!
吃了过后因为不想直接回家,所以就去戏院前看有什么好戏看。唉~整个晚上就只有两部片子,一部是不懂什么来的,另一部就是第一段的那一部:“White Noise: The Light”。我们没有一个人懂这部是什么戏(都没有任何的宣传……),但是因为抱着“好奇”的心态,所以买了票后,便去了对面的夜市场走走(戏11.30p.m.才开场)……
这是在Leisure Mall对面的Pasar Malam。今天不是星期三,所以我们都没有机会去那个所谓全马最长的Pasar Malam,但为了消磨那多余的时间,所以我们还是去走了一趟……
“White Noise: The Light”是一部很不错的电影!影片胜在故事题材,很新鲜很棒!说了那么多,我也不描述那么多了~大家有机会,或想看戏又找不到戏看的时候,不妨试一试这部片吧!抱着平常心去看,会有预料不到的效果哦!(告诉你们一个“秘密”,Gam Fatt看到用双手将双眼蒙蔽起来了~哈哈!)
Day Without You Online, Day 98, Sunny:
"In fact when a person die, he will see the white light at the moment he face the death..." This is the conclusion that I can make after watching the movie, White Noise: The Light... Hehe!
Well, this blog was written on 22th, 2.30a.m., as I just came back from Cheras. Today, one of a friend suggested to have our dinner at a western food restaurant at Cheras. That restaurant was the famous Kaki Corner (forgot the name actually~ As what I remembered was the big foot which became the logo~). I thought the stick was not enough for me initially, however, under the control of sensibility, I just ordered a cheese sauce chicken stick. Well, the worker were tricky as they put a lot of French Fries and the consequence is, I fulled~ Hehe!
After finish the dinner, we were not going back to Sunway straight away. Thus, we went to GSC and search for any fresh movie. Haiz~ Only two movies were going to be shown for the whole night. One I forgot is what type of movie, and another one is the one I mentioned in the first paragraph: "White Noise: The Light". All of us don't know what is the movie about (seriously I didn't see any publicity...), just under the curiousity, we bought the ticket and went to the night market right in front of us (the show was at 11.30 p.m.)...
This is the Pasar Malam located in front of Leisure Mall. Today is not Wednesday, thus I don't have the chance to have a walk at so-called longest night market in Malaysia. We went to the market, just to fulfilled the redundant time...
The last time I went to Pasar Malam was once upon a time... During the moment I walked at the market, a lot of memories flashed back, after all, my hometown was famous with Pasar Malam when I during my childhood! After we gave the cursory look on it, then we went to front of cinema to wait...
"White Noise: The Light" is a not bad movie! The movie has a very good theme, and it is fresh and nice! Not going to have a long word about it here~ Whenever it is a chance, or you guys feel like want to watch movie but don't know which is the option, you can try on this! Treat the movie normally, and you will have the unexpected effect! (Here is a "secret", Gam Fatt was closing his eyes with his two palms during the movie~ Haha!)
It has been a long time that I never had such relax life! Hehe!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
今天上了一个小时的课,就是所谓的Malaysia's Culture。哈哈!又再次碰到说得一口流利英文的讲师,不过这个比较够力,快得差不多听不到他在说什么。不过哦,这个Tutorial很好玩!哈哈!竟然可以大家坐在一起讨论敏感话题呢!连批评政府都行……汗~
Day Without You Online, Day 97, Sunny:
Today was frustrated~ Nothing to be worried actually~ Hehe!
Today attended an hour tutorial class, Malaysia's Culture. Haha! Once again I saw a lecturer that can speak well in English, and this one more terror, can be so fast until you can't catch what he said. Anyway, this is a very joyful class! Haha! Never thought that all the people can sit down together and discuss the sensitive issues! You even allowed to critic government... SWT~
Hmm... Supposedly I intended to give up, but under the unpredictable, I saw her for 3 days continuously~ Well, I wish I could met her before I made my decision to give her up, anyway, it could be 3 months that I never saw her face; who knows when I end my waiting for her, I saw her for 3 days...
And the God is making fun of us...
Posted by
11:59 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
忽然有一天,佛主光临了圆音寺,看见这里香火甚旺,十分高兴。离开寺庙的时候,不轻易间地抬头,看见了横梁上的蜘蛛。佛主停下来,问这只蜘 蛛:“你我相见总算是有缘,我来问你个问题,看你修炼了这一千多年来,有什么真知灼见。怎么样?”蜘蛛遇见佛主很是高兴,连忙答应了。佛主问到:“世间什 么才是最珍贵的?”蜘蛛想了想,回答到:“世间最珍贵的是‘得不到’和‘已失去’。”佛主点了点头,离开了。
就这样又过了一千年的光景,蜘蛛依旧在圆音寺的横梁上修炼,它的佛性大增。一日,佛主又来到寺前,对蜘蛛说道:“你可还好,一千年前的那个 问题,你可有什么更深的认识吗?”蜘蛛说:“我觉得世间最珍贵的是‘得不到’和‘已失去’。”佛主说:“你再好好想想,我会再来找你的。”
又过了一千年,有一天,刮起了大风,风将一滴甘露吹到了蜘蛛网上。蜘蛛望着甘露,见它晶莹透亮,很漂亮,顿生喜爱之意。蜘蛛每天看着甘露 很开心,它觉得这是三千年来最开心的几天。突然, 又刮起了一阵大风,将甘露吹走了。蜘蛛一下子觉得失去了什么,感到很寂寞和难过。这时佛主又来了,问蜘 蛛:“蜘蛛这一千年,你可好好想过这个问题:世间什么才是最珍贵的?”蜘蛛想到了甘露,对佛主说:“世间最珍贵的是‘得不到’和‘已失去’。”佛主说: “好,既然你有这样的认识,我让你到人间走一朝吧。”
过了些日子,说来很巧,蛛儿陪同母亲上香拜佛的时候,正好甘鹿也陪同母亲而来。上完香拜过佛,二位长者在一边说上了话。蛛儿和甘鹿便来到走廊 上聊天,蛛儿很开心,终于可以和喜欢的人在一起了,但是甘鹿并没有表现出对她的喜爱。蛛儿对甘鹿说:“你难道不曾记得十六年前,圆音寺的蜘蛛网上的事情了 吗?”甘鹿很诧异,说:“蛛儿姑娘,你漂亮,也很讨人喜欢,但你想象力未免丰富了一点吧。”说罢,和母亲离开了。
几天后,皇帝下召,命新科状元甘鹿和长风公主完婚;蛛儿和太子芝草完婚。这一消息对蛛儿如同晴空霹雳,她怎么也想不通,佛主竟然这样对她。几 日来,她不吃不喝,穷究急思,灵魂就将出壳,生命危在旦夕。太子芝草知道了,急忙赶来,扑倒在床边,对奄奄一息的蛛儿说道:“那日,在后花园众姑娘中,我 对你一见钟情,我苦求父皇,他才答应。如果你死了,那么我也就不活了。”说着就拿起了宝剑准备自刎。
就在这时,佛主来了,他对快要出壳的蛛儿灵魂说:“蜘蛛,你可曾想过,甘露(甘鹿)是由谁带到你这里来的呢?是风(长风公主)带来的,最后也 是风将它带走的。甘鹿是属于长风公主的,他对你不过是生命中的一段插曲。而太子芝草是当年圆音寺门前的一棵小草,他看了你三千年,爱慕了你三千年,但你却 从没有低下头看过它。蜘蛛,我再来问你,世间什么才是最珍贵的?”蜘蛛听了这些真相之后,好好想一下子大彻大悟了,她对佛主说:“世间最珍贵的不是‘得不 到’和‘已失去’,而是现在能把握的幸福。”刚说完,佛主就离开了,蛛儿的灵魂也回位了,睁开眼睛,看到正要自刎的太子芝草,她马上打落宝剑,和太子深深 的抱着……
Day Without You Online, Day 96, Sunny:
Hmm... Nothing to be written for today, thus allow me to share a story here. Well, maybe quite number of you guys had been read the story before, yet I still paste it here to let more people read it! You guys must finish the story patiently!
Once upon a time, there was a temple called Yuan Yin Temple. Many people went in and out to temple and pray. In front of the temple, it has a crossbeam. There was a spider made out his own web on the crossbeam. Under the influence of candle and the reverent obeisance, the spider turned to have the Buddha-nature. After the thousand years of practice, spider's Buddha-nature had increased a lot.
One day. Buddha came to the temple, and when He saw all the followers are very reverent, He was so happy. When He wanted to leave the temple, He saw the spider on the crossbeam. Buddha stopped his step, and he asked, "You and I can saw each other were fated. Let me ask you a question, seems you had practice for thousand of years, and whether you learn anything or not. How?" Spidee saw Buddha. He was very happy and agree what Buddha had requested. Buddha asked, "What is the most precious in the world?" Spidee thought for a moment and answered, "The most precious thing in the world are "couldn't obtain" and "lost"." Buddha nodded his head and left.
The time passed for another thousand years, and the spider still practice above the crossbeam. His Buddha-nature had increased a lot. One day, Buddha reached the temple again, and he said to the spider, "How are you? Do you think more on the question thousand years ago?" Spidee answer, "I think the most precious thing in the world is "couldn't obtain" and "lost"." Buddha said, "You think again, and I will come and find you again."
Once again, the time flies for another thousand years. One day, wind blown strongly. The wind had blown a drop of manna to the spider's web. Spidee looked at the manna. The manna was very beautiful and translucent, therefore, Spidee started to fall in love with. Spidee looked at the manna everyday and felt very happy. He felt that those days are the happiest day he ever had since three thousand years ago. Suddenly, a wind blown again and had blow away the manna. Spidee felt like lost something, and became lonely and upset. At that moment, Buddha reached again. He asked Spidee, "Do you ever think properly the question "What is the most precious in the world" in the past thousand years?" Spidee thought of manna, and he told Buddha, "The most precious things in the world are "couldn't obtain" and "lost". Buddha said to him, "Well, seems you have such point of view, let me allow you to have a human life."
And the story continued with the spider turned into a house of Official, and became a wealthy family's daughter. Her parents named her as Zhu Er. Zhu Er had turned into sixteenth in a glimpse of eye. She was a very graceful and beautiful girl.
One day, a new foremost person Gan Lu had success, and the Emperor decided to have a celebration banquet for him. There were a lot of young ladies had been invited, included Zhu Er, and Emperor's little princess, Princess Chang Feng. Gan Lu made out many kinds of talented performance, and the ladies at the banquet were deeply attracted by him. However, Zhu Er was feeling nothing of it, not even jealous, as she knows that, this is the affinity that given by Buddha.
After a moment of times, it was a close coincident. Zhe Er accompanied her mother to pray at the temple, and Gan Lu's did the same too. After praying, both of the old chatted together. Zhu Er and Gan Lu walked at the corridor. Zhu Er was very happy cause she can be with the one she loved together finally. However, Gan Lu didn't showed his love to Zhu Er. Zhu Er said to him, "Did you ever forget the things that happened sixteen years ago?" Gan Lu was shocked, and said, "Miss Zhu Er, you are beautiful and welcomed by people, but I think you have an interesting imagination." He finished the sentence and left with his mother.
Zhe Er back to the house and thought, seems Buddha had arranged this fate, but why he didn't make Gan Lu remember the things and why he didn't have any feeling to her too?
After a few days, Emperor announced that the foremost man, Gan Lu will be married with Princess Chang Feng; and Zhu Er will be married with Prince Zhi Cao. This announcement strike Zhu Er tremendously why Buddha wanted to arrange it in such way. She had stopped eating and drinking and keep thinking, until her soul going to fly out. Her life was in danger, and Price Zhi Cao ran to her in a flash of time when he knew that. He laid down beside the bed and told the suffocate Zhu Er, "That day, I fell in love with you when I saw you among the ladies. I asked father for many times then he only agreed to our marriage. If you dead, to me is meaningless in the future." He voiced out the words and hold the sword at the same time for suicide.
At this moment, Buddha came. He said to the soul of Zhu Er, "Spidee, did you ever think that, manna (Gan Lu) was brought by whom to you? Is wind (Princess Chang Feng), so at last will be the wind who brought it away too. Gan Lu was belongs to Princess Chang Feng, and he was the only interlude in your life. And Prince Zhi Cao was a small grass in front of the Yuan Yin Temple. He had been looked at you for three thousand years, and fell in love with you for three thousand years, but you never lower your head to have a look at him. Spidee, let me ask you again, what is the most precious in the world?" Spidee listened to all the fact and suddenly enlighted. She told Buddha, "The most precious thing in the world are not "couldn't obtain" and "lost", but know how to assure the current happy thing you have." Once she finished, Buddha left and her soul back to her body. She opened her eye, and straight away took off the sword that the prince hold and she hugged with the prince...
That's the end of the story, and could you comprehend what Zhu Er said at last? The most precious thing in the world are not "couldn't obtain" and "lost", but know how to assure the current happy thing you have.
How? Do you guys touched? I waste a lot of "precious" time to make the translation. It was a bad translation and hope you guys don't mind. And for sure, thanks for finish the story and whoever found that he/she wanted to help me to translate it, it will be very welcome! Hehe! Anyway, once again I remind you guys! Assure what you have!
Posted by
11:35 PM
Day Without You Online, Day 95, Sunny:
Today my eye kept looking at her, well, its really hard for me to give up when I said I wanted to...
After a consideration I made a few days ago, and I decided to give up, and no more thinking of her. I can do so at the beginning as I never see you for a long period. Sometimes, her image in my mind has diminutively fade off... And after a "scold" of a friend and I decided to give up... Not be cause of tired, but I don't have the courage to continue it.... Until today...
Well, I had the feeling on her initially, as her face had attracted me. She wasn't a pretty girl in others' eye; but to me, she had grabbed my attention among the crowd. As a result, I had the feeling on her, and comes to alike... Therefore, when I said I wanted to give up, it seems impossible to me, as today I saw her again (all the Major classes attend a same class)...
I was unfamiliar with her at the beginning, and today was the same too... How is my feeling foes? I have no idea with it...
Posted by
12:05 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 94, Sunny:
Yesterday I spent a lot on my lunch, thus I planned to save money from my dinner. Who knows I couldn't even stand until midnight, and started to starve. Therefore, I had my "dinner" at mamak restaurant down stairs. When I sat over there, I saw a guy who seems like a student was carrying a big luggage. Behind of him, there were several women follow him. They walked to the mamak too! I thought that they might have a visit to their son...
I started to think... Should define as felt something... Friends around me always received parents call to know their recent condition, but my parent only called for once! Hmm... Actually I O.K with that too, as the call are made with faithfully... Well, I can accept this situation as three years ago when elder sister went to KL, they had used to the life that without children besides them, thus, left me also be nothing to them... Hehe! However, everytime when I went back to hometown, they will be very happy, especially when we reached the house safely... :-)
"Home Sweet Home" is a true sentence! (Just besides of visiting the old friends, there is no more things I can do... Will be bored then... Hehe!)
Posted by
10:05 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
嗯……今天的部落格很早,而且也很久没有那么早写《没有你上网的日子》了。嗯……今天一个人到楼下去吃午餐的时候,想了好多好多的东西……思绪不停地盘旋到这几天发生的事情,以及打从第一天来到The One一直到现在的往事。真的发生了好多好多的事……
有的时候想想自己真的很幸运。来这里认识了好多好多的朋友,然后很幸运地能够与Andy、GHao、和Gam Fatt住在同一屋檐下。当然!还有就是认识了伟瀚这个“废佬”!哈哈!一个很好玩的朋友……他朋友也和他一样呢!哈哈!就这样,从此的三年我就会住在这里了……我想,我会很喜欢这个生活吧!
Day Without You Online, Day 93, Cloudy
Hmm... Today's blog was very early, and it has been a long time that I didn't write "Day Without You Online" as early as today. Hmm... Today when I went to have my lunch alone, I thought a lot of things... Memory flashed back to the things happened these days, and also the incidents occurred since the first day I reached The One until today. Really many things happened...
Sometimes I feel that I was very lucky. I knew many friends at here, and can live together with Andy, Ghao, and Gam Fatt. And of course, knew Wei Han this funny person! Haha! A very interesting friend... Well, his friends too! And, I will live here for the coming two years... I will be very enjoy the life here!
Another thing is about "her"... Hmm... Friends slowly advice me to give up, as this will be an endless story... Well, will it be the fact...? I myself not going to make any hypothesis anymore... Anyway, they admire my will and effort, at least not all the person can do the same (but not less too)! Day 100th will be reached soon, and will I continue after that? I also don't know... But only 100 day then fed up couldn't really show my true, and sincerity ( I have a friend waited for 3 years!)...
Anyway, follow my feeling's way! :-)
Posted by
10:00 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 92, Sunny:
Haiz... These days very late only get to bed. Although I drag my time until 4/5am only get to sleep, but I just like got insomnia and can't get in to my dream...
I'm wasting time terribly. Need to warn myself, otherwise I'll be very lazy! These days have a lot of things that frustrated me! Several new friends moved in to the house not far from us. For the convenience, they bought a super duper long sRJ45 cable and connected to our house, and we are going to share a line within 8 people ever after... And problem comes. After we connected to each other, sometimes when I was surfing, the line was paralyze! Today was the most terrible one! I was very angry! The only reason why the line could happened like that was somebody making downloading, especially BT! I always ask them to download only at night, however, haiz... Nobody will admit that... Why people can be so selfish! When all together online during the day then should switch off it... Feel like crying...
Another thing is, a friend has bought a new 5.1 speaker, but he place at our house temporary for unknown period, thus one of the house mate use it to listen to songs. Well, the sound was really nice, but... the most headache thing to me is, my house mate always play songs until dawn, and caused me couldn't sleep well, as the bass was really shock me everyday... Just the reason of we all staying under one roof, thus I just request him to soften the sound, but this isn't the perfect way to solve the problem! To maintain the relationship, I can only rigid it... Feel like crying...
Last thing is, my love's matter... Too make me feel like crying...
Posted by
11:59 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day91, Rainy:
Because I'm in DG, thus the class only available from Monday till Thursday, and the rest are "holiday" for us. Haha!
Therefore, today is Friday, thus I still experimented on VST. I surfed most of the China website just intend to make the sound more reality. At last, I found Gu Zheng and Er Hu plug-in. Once I found it, I applied on the Chinese style songs that I have arranged. Hehe~ The effect is bad! Gu Zheng nor to be nice, but Er Hu was nice! Is just like somebody was playing it! However, its too soft... =.="
Nothing to be written the rest! Today is day 91... Time flies! And now let us countdown for day 100! Hehe!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
今天是超高兴的一天啊!因为研究了好久好久的VST终于成功啦! 翻遍了所有的网站; 越过了所有的教学; 经历了不少的失败,我终于都成功了!虽然效果还不够逼真,但我一定会常常练习以及寻找更好的插件来让它变得更加地自然、完美!
- VST是Virtual Studio Technology的缩写,他是基于Steinberg的软件效果器技术,基本上以插件的形式存在,可以运行在当今大部分的专业音乐软件上,在支持 ASIO驱动的硬件平台下能够以较低的延迟提供非常高品质的效果处理。要达到VST的最佳效果(也就是延迟很低的情况),声卡要支持ASIO。
- VST效果器覆盖了几乎所有音乐制作里用到的效果器,而且由于VST技术的开放性,很多大厂商,小厂商,甚至是个人开发了数不清的VST效果器,有些是相当成功相当实用的效果器,连好来屋的电影制作中都用到了这些VST插件提供的顶级效果。
- 能 够使用这些VST插件的音乐软件我们称为VST宿主,常用的有Samplitude(7.0以后的版本),Cubase VST32,Cubase SX,Wave Lab,FruityLoops,Orion,Project5等等。VST效果器都是来处理音频的,所以都要加载在音频轨中使用,MIDI轨不能使用 VST效果器。
Day Without You Online, Day 90, Sunny:
Today I was very happy! As I successfully created the VST that I wanted! Surf throughout all the websites; read all the available tutorial; stand up again from the failure, and now I success! Although the effect still yet to be real, but I will always practice and find more plug-ins to make it more naturally and perfect!
What is VST by the way? I posted some article to let you guys know more about it:
- VST provides a visual interface, allowing users to use the mouse to turn virtual dials and switches, similar to the physical switches and knobs on audio hardware. Some software allows users to enter exact values for parameters using the keyboard. MIDI controllers can also be used to control the software.
- Some VST instruments (VSTi) are software emulations of well-known hardware synthesizer devices and sampler devices, emulating the look and feel of the original equipment in addition to its sonic characteristics. This enables VSTi users to work with virtual versions of gear that may be difficult to obtain in its original form. There's also a wide range of new VST plugins, which don't have the purpose of emulating vintage gear. VST plugins which emulate vintage gear are only a subset of all VST plugins on the market.
- All VST software can run inside a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW, basically a computer with a professional sound card). VST software provides this host with additional functionality. Some hosts, but not all, can record the movements of dials and switches by the user.
(From Wikipedia.org, more...)
Posted by
11:59 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 89, Sunny:
After working for so many times, finally I got the result!!! Haha! Using VST to make the song's arrangement is the target that I wanted to reach, and today finally I make it! I heard the sounds! Haha! Although now I'm still in testing stage, but I believe that once I pay more effort on it, I will be success then! Haha! Really touched!!!
Oh ya! Today attended the Perspective Class. I wanted to mention at here, as the lecturer who lecture us is the second lecturer that can speak well in English after May-Ann! He is good in speaking, and the way he teach was different with others, thus I didn't fall asleep then! Cheer for him! Haha!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
今天一早起身,带着疲惫不堪的身体梳洗过后,我们便“启程”到学校去了。就在我刚坐下椅子不久,就连椅子都还没升温的当时,“Class Cancel”这句话传到了我的耳边。起初没有人示意,直到第二声的“发送”,大家方知道课的确取消了……我们顿时被炸得遍体鳞伤,有的还需要叫救护车的帮忙呢!=.="
Day Without You Online, Day 88, Sunny:
Today I woke up very early and once we prepared everything, we went to school. Just at the moment I sat down and the chair yet to be warmed, I heard someone was shouting that class canceled. Well, the class didn't respond at the beginning, until the second time of "announcement", then only the class realized that the class was truly been canceled... We all bombed by the words terribly, some even need to call 999 to seek for help! =.="
And, the boring morning passed by having breakfast with friends. Hehe!
It has been a long time I didn't mention on "her". Today's the only class was combined with others 4 Major classes, thus, sure I had the chance to see her. Hehe! She got nothing much changed, still delicate and pretty! Haha (Guys, sorry for that...)! Although today we passed by side by side, yet I still acted like last time, no greeting... :-)
That's all for today! Oh ya, these days because of less assignments, thus I started to touch on VST. It is nice! I think I should buy a sound-card with ASIO as I need it for my songs' arrangement. I must fully fulfill my time, and must not let it flies with nothing like last term!
One more thing, R.I.P for 911 victims...
Posted by
11:59 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 87, Sunny:
Firstly, congratulations to all my classmates as they passed to Major finally! Today is the first day, how are you guys? Are you guys unfamiliar with the new faces in the class? How is the new lecturer? New things are coming one by one, and of course, they came to welcome us! Don't be afraid to the new, as they are your challenge; don't be a distance with the new faces, as its the time for you guys to make new friends and wider the relationship! Everyone must Gambateh o!
Hmm... Finished the happy part, and now is the bad... Today was a bad day! GHao drove his car from Pahang and seems we are in the same major and class, thus he will drive me on in the future! Hehe! Who knows, when we had happy hour to school, we had the bad when we wanted to go back. GHao got his "Saman"... So pity~ We just didn't care about it and wanted to get into the car. At the beginning, the car's door remote control was not functioning, but we didn't bother about it, but when we found that the car couldn't be started, and the front light was not switched off, that time we only know that the car didn't have enough power...
Haiz... Today was a complicated day!
Posted by
9:40 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 86, Sunny:
Hmm... Today is the last day of holiday, and tomorrow will be the 1st day of my major course! Hehe! I'm waiting for it...
Well, actually nothing to be written today. Free for the whole day, played computer games until 3pm, and had lunch at mamak, then continue until at night, friend brought us to somewhere else to have dinner, after that, came back and face the pc until 2a.m., and slept... Its looked like wasting the time. Although tomorrow the school will be opened, however, friends around me did say that they couldn't feel any atmosphere of school open, and the day still goes freely...
That's all! Lastly, I wish everyone have a nice journey on their study! Gambateh!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
到了学校,因为我知道我自己的成绩了,所以便帮忙朋友看。看了后我就直接SMS给她。唉……她的成绩不理想,也很沮丧。当时我很想安慰她,但说来说去都不懂该说什么好,好象越说越糟糕的感觉=.=" 最后干脆传个笑话给她好了~虽然她笑了,不过我相信内心的她一点都不快乐~嗯……葱头女啊,不要那么伤心了哦!事实既然是这样了,那就勇敢面对吧!答应自己以后多多加油,不要再让不好看的英文字母再出现就行了!大家相信你都尽过力了!以后加油!我们大家一起加油!:-)
Day Without You Online, Day 85, Sunny:
Pop stars live in Malaysia, I think that is only ordinary things to some audiences! To some of the audiences, great pop stars are only some experiences to them! But international great star like Jackie Chan, I think not many people has the chance to have a look him! Haha! Today I had a chance and I watched Jackie Chan! Hehe!
I planned to have my simple lunch today afternoon, but I saw GHao at the time I open my house's door. He invited me to go with him, besides to look at the results at school, he planned to watch Jackie Chan too. I have a thought awhile, and I went with him as a result as I will be very bored at home alone~ Well, maybe the news of Jackie Chan spread too wide, moreover today is Saturday, the whole road was jammed terribly! We took 20 minutes to reach the destination, yet the distance only takes 5 minutes normally... SWT~
When we reached the school, because I had already knew my result, thus I helped my friend to look on it. After looking on it, I straight away SMS her. Haiz... Her result was bot satisfying, and she was very upset. I meant to concern her, but I didn't know what to say, and I thought my words were making the situation worse=.=" At last, I sent a joke for her~ Although she smiled, but I believed that her inner part was unhappy~ Hmm... 葱头女a, don't be too sad o! As the fact is like that, then you should face it bravery! Promise yourself to become more hardworking next time, and don't let the ugly English letter appear again on your result! We all believed that you paid your effort! Gambateh! We all Gambateh together! :-)
After I have my lunch at KFC, we went to Sunway Pyramid. That time Jackie haven't reach to the scene, and we all tried to flee among the crowd to have a nice place. At last, we still stand on a bad position~ After a moment of waiting, Jackie arrived! He greeted the crowd using his two hands, and his face and action just like a kid. He had a very shiny and happy smile, indistinctly you can see a kind father look... Although I only see his back when he stood on the stage, yet he still turned his back to us and greeted us!
Thousands of crowd at the scene, and I thought, will I become the main one on the stage one day...?
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11:59 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 84, Rainy:
Hmm... Passed a day with no worry~ Tested "Lineage II" online game successfully. Hmm... Well, maybe it was a game released 2-3 years ago, thus the game graphic is not very satisfying (even worse than "Perfect World Online"), but I think that the game is more on gaming and storyboarding! However, I played until dizzy~
Watched a movie in the afternoon, its called "Simply Actor". Well, most of the people will think that the movie was no quality, and of course, when I watched it, I had the same kind of feeling too. There were a lot of funny act and dialog in the movie, however, we couldn't refuse that the movie was bringing a lot of meanings to us!
Theme of the movie is "Life is like a Play". A lot of artists' words were used in the movie, and the most significant one was Shakespeare's words: "This world is but a big stage. Every single person who stand on the stage has their own characters" and another artist's words: "There are no minor character in a play, but only small actors". See that! The moral values that the movie try to bring out is considerable to us!
Hmm... Well, actually there was a scene in the movie was meaningful. It probably brought the message that, in our daily life, are we acting or being ourself? If we are acting, how come we can act with no flaw in our daily life but not on the stage; if we are being ourself, however camouflaged before...?
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11:59 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
今天原本也是一个人度过的,不过晚上当我完成我的晚餐后,在升降机前看到了伟瀚和Andy!他们回来咯!哈哈!然后Gee Hao也跟着回来了~ 今晚不寂寞咯!呵呵!很怀念伟瀚每天晚上上stsky.com试听网然后重复听一首歌几十遍!哈哈!还有就是怀念Andy每天每时每刻的电脑都打开Friendster的画面!哈哈!:-)
20999 爱你久久久
82475 被爱是幸福
775885 亲亲我抱抱我
3307778 想和你去吹吹风
25873 爱我到今生
5203344587 我爱你生生世世不变心
Day Without You Online, Day 83, Sunny:
Tonight I'm not alone, as the time I went back to my apartment, I saw Wei Han and Andy! They are back! Haha! And Gee Hao the same too~ Tonight will not be alone! Hehe! II miss Wei Han that everyday go to stsky.com for listening a song repeatly! Haha! And I too miss Andy that his computer open Friendster webpage everyday, every second! Haha! :-)
Hmm... Tonight suppose to give the "Love Numbering" answer and I tended to postpone it to tomorrow's night, but there is a Cancer is forcing me to give the answer, thus I put it right now~ Hehe! (Cancer, just kidding lah!) Haha!
Well, following are the answers! How many you can figure out? Hehe!
(Refer to Chinese part.)
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11:59 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
- 259695,20999,82475,775885,3307778,25873,5203344587,3030335,3880,59420 ,04551
Day Without You Online, Day 82, Sunny:
Haiz... Pity me alone staying in Sunway... Wei Han and Andy, when are you guys coming back? I'm too bored here...!
Today I went to school to get the timetable. When I looked on it, Wa! Only four days classes~ And the subjects are few... I was thinking that time, are we going to be more free in this term? Hehe! Anyway, I'm waiting for it! Digital Animation, I'm coming!
Hmm... Today I surfed Friendster and read back my old blog. I found the "Love Numbering" in my blog. Well, "love numbering" means the language in the world of love, presented by using letters and numbers. Well, all of this only worked under Chinese Language, thus I'm not stating up the numbers on the English translation part. :-)
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11:59 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 81, Rainy:
Today rode the whole day bus for coming back to Sunway... Tired! Haiz...
And, I left my home again, and back to the house in Sunway. Time flies... Now is already September, and new term is going to be started... On the way back to Sunway, I thought a lot. Its about the past memories, and also the unknown that are coming in the future... Many people frustrated and white hair grown, just because of troubles...
Life is short. Assure the present and appreciate current, are they really designed for our life? Some how many people have once missed the good; yet some of them given for second chance?
Figure haven't started any... Haiz...
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11:59 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Shing Yuan:
Day Without You Online, Day 80, Rainy:
These days' weather sounds weird, as it changes constantly withing a minute~
I'm going back to Sunway tomorrow! Well, I decided to go back early as I need to rush my assignments. This week is the last week of holiday, sure I need to adjust my mood and prepare to back to school! Hopefully everyone can pay their full effort when reached major!
Shing Yuan:
You are same hometown with me! Hmm... Still remember what were happened when we stayed together in hostel during 1st term! Well, sometimes your face seems like quite "qun", thus I'm not that close with you. However, when you play, you will play like an insane~ Haha!
That's all! Nothing much to be said~ You are serious in every assignments, and your skill reached a particular standard. Hopefully you can be very successful illustrator when you are in major! Gambateh!
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11:59 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
今天好累啊!昨晚只睡了两个小时,过后便起床和朋友去槟城了……在去的短短路程中,我睡着了;从“皇后湾”购物广场去Batu Feringgi 海滩,我又睡着了;从海滩回到“合您”广场,再次睡着;从北海回到双溪大年,已经不想起身了……可见我今天的部落格是在多么疲惫的状态下完成的啊~呵呵!
在这里我还有一个快乐的事要和大家分享,那就是,我终于可以驾驶父母的Nissan Sentra 轿车了。呵呵!为何呢?因为之前我都握着P,所以他们不要我去驾;现在我脱P了(前几天的事情了),但基于我从未驾驶过自动排挡的车子,所以他们也不让我驾;直到刚才表姐的自动排挡国产,我终于交了我“第一次”的自动于她的车了~哈哈!驾驶自动排挡果然就像驾驶玩具车子一样!呵呵!
Day Without You Online, Day 79, Rainy:
Today was very tired! I just slept for 2 hours yesterday night, then we went to Penang on next day... On the way to the wharf, I slept; from Queensbay Mall to Batu Feringghi seaside, I took a nap; from the seaside to Gurney Plaza, slept again; from Butterworth to Sungai Petani, didn't feel like wanted to wake up... See how tired am I when I write this blog~ Hehe!
Besides bringing Valent to round a round in Penang, his own self too gained something! Haha! What I want to say here is, there is a big different between Rapid Penang and Rapid KL! Once you enter the Rapid Penang bus, you must pay for it everytime the journey goes. This is the most different part between them! You just need to pay once for Rapid KL (namely U, B and T)... I was shocked by it~ I paid a lot for only the fair... Haiz~
Besides that, I want to share a thing here, that is, finally I can drive parent's Nissan Sentra. Haha! Why? Cause I was holding P last time, and they didn't want any red P pasted on their car; now no more P for me (few days ago), but because of I never drove auto-transmission car before, thus they stopped me; until just now my cousin drove her auto-transmission Proton Saga, then I have my "first time" on her car~ Haha! Driving auto-transmission is really like driving a toy car! Hehe!
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11:55 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Day Without You Online, Day 78, Rainy:
Hehe! Today's blog was the most special one as it didn't follow the typical rule. There are: Firstly, writing the Chinese part in Traditional Chinese; Secondly, the blog was done in cyber cafe~~
I have a friend from Sabah, who met with me in KL came to my house (Sungai Petani, Kedah)~ Hehe! And the guy is Valent! Do you think that he is nice to be here? Well, actually, make visit on me is the minor objective, as he had another purpose for being here~ Hehe! Many people doesn't believed in me when I told other friends that he came to my house! Haha!
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11:59 PM