






Thursday, September 13, 2007


今天是超高兴的一天啊!因为研究了好久好久的VST终于成功啦! 翻遍了所有的网站; 越过了所有的教学; 经历了不少的失败,我终于都成功了!虽然效果还不够逼真,但我一定会常常练习以及寻找更好的插件来让它变得更加地自然、完美!


  • VST是Virtual Studio Technology的缩写,他是基于Steinberg的软件效果器技术,基本上以插件的形式存在,可以运行在当今大部分的专业音乐软件上,在支持 ASIO驱动的硬件平台下能够以较低的延迟提供非常高品质的效果处理。要达到VST的最佳效果(也就是延迟很低的情况),声卡要支持ASIO。
  • VST效果器覆盖了几乎所有音乐制作里用到的效果器,而且由于VST技术的开放性,很多大厂商,小厂商,甚至是个人开发了数不清的VST效果器,有些是相当成功相当实用的效果器,连好来屋的电影制作中都用到了这些VST插件提供的顶级效果。
  • 能 够使用这些VST插件的音乐软件我们称为VST宿主,常用的有Samplitude(7.0以后的版本),Cubase VST32,Cubase SX,Wave Lab,FruityLoops,Orion,Project5等等。VST效果器都是来处理音频的,所以都要加载在音频轨中使用,MIDI轨不能使用 VST效果器。

Day Without You Online, Day 90, Sunny:

Today I was very happy! As I successfully created the VST that I wanted! Surf throughout all the websites; read all the available tutorial; stand up again from the failure, and now I success! Although the effect still yet to be real, but I will always practice and find more plug-ins to make it more naturally and perfect!

What is VST by the way? I posted some article to let you guys know more about it:

  • VST provides a visual interface, allowing users to use the mouse to turn virtual dials and switches, similar to the physical switches and knobs on audio hardware. Some software allows users to enter exact values for parameters using the keyboard. MIDI controllers can also be used to control the software.
  • Some VST instruments (VSTi) are software emulations of well-known hardware synthesizer devices and sampler devices, emulating the look and feel of the original equipment in addition to its sonic characteristics. This enables VSTi users to work with virtual versions of gear that may be difficult to obtain in its original form. There's also a wide range of new VST plugins, which don't have the purpose of emulating vintage gear. VST plugins which emulate vintage gear are only a subset of all VST plugins on the market.
  • All VST software can run inside a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW, basically a computer with a professional sound card). VST software provides this host with additional functionality. Some hosts, but not all, can record the movements of dials and switches by the user.

(From Wikipedia.org, more...)

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